Maya The Killer

Note: So this is a shitty script i was thinking of making an animation of when i was 12. So yeah you can expect cringe. Enjoy
There was a time there i though everything was meaningless. That it would be so much better if i just dissaper. Now i founded something… Something to live for.
* Maya, Are you done with cleaning your room? They are coming soon.
* Yes mom! Im almost done! One second.
* *Sigh* Okey then.
Mom stood in the kitchen, making lunch. My dad sat on the couch watching tv. And my little brother was playing videogames. And i was cleening my room. I was exited to meet my friend Moa again. I had planed everything we were going to do that night. We were going to play with my dolls and play hide and seek, make makeups on each other, and stuff like that.
*Knocks on the door*
* Maya! There here!
* COMIIIIIIING! *runs down the stairs and opens the door* Hiiiiiii! *Hugs Moa*
* Hello.
* Hi Moa. And Louise and of course Christer *hugs all of them*
* Yes hello everyone.
* Hi… Mom… Mom… MOM. MOM!
* *sigh* What is it Anton?
* Can i go back to my room?
* No, We are going to eat now.
* *starts crying* But i want to… PLAY!! And my friends are waiting for me on the play staiton.
* No more playing to night.
* Be quiet and sit down.
Everyone sitts down at the table. We were having tacos.
* Wow, this meat is delicious.
* Why thank you.
After finish eating,
After two weeks, Moa moved to another country. I was sad, cause i would never see her again… But i got over with it after a year. I had other friends to be with. Karl, Amanda and Alex. We had a very good time. We were playing every day. But… For each day that passed… They showed me… side… Something much darker.
*on our way home from school*
* So! Amanda, your comming on Karls party to night?
* Heck yeah! it will be awesome!
* *walking two meater behind them* …. Karl are having a party?… I… I didnt know that…
* You werent invided?
* No…
* *whispers something to Alex*
* *giggles*
* Whats so funny?
* Nothing. *walks away from me*
* *Walks away* ….
* ……… Not… Invided, huh?... *stands still for a while, then starts walking home*
After that… They walked away from me pretty aften, without saying anything at all. I didnt know if they were angry at me or something. whene i asked them things, they just ingnored me. i became sader and sader each day.

* *laughs*
* *laughs* Your so funny, Alex!
* Hahahaha! I know!
* *laughs*
* …. Hey… Can i talk to you three for a second?...
They stop laughing and looked at me in a very weird way.
* Uuuuuuuurgh… What is it…
* …. I was just wondering… Have i done something wrong to make you guys mad at me or something?...
they didnt anser. just stared at me.
* …… W-What?...
** Your just Lame! And annoying! We are Tired to listen to your bullshit. We cant take it anymore.
** Your not funny at all. Your always so careful and shy.
** We dont want to be friend with a loser like you.
** *get tears in eyes* … B-but i havent even done anything to you… What made you hate me?
** We never liked you you stupid bitch! Go to hell. *punches me*
** *starts crying*
** Oh, you crying. *laughs*
** *laughs*
** *laughs*
** You are so pathetic. *keep punching me*
** Please… Stop…
** *laughs*
** *laughs*
** *laughs*
** Stop! *echo* …..
Later that day… I got home. I had bleeding scars all over my body and was still crying.
** Omg! Maya, what happend to you!
** ……. Nothing speciall…
** Nothing speciall?! You cant fool me, little missy! Your hurt!
** I said nothing! Leave me alone *runs up to my room*
** Maya!.....
I never talked to my parents about my problems and feelings. I… Wasnt good at talking to people…
I didnt want to go to school next day. I looked My door and lied down in my bed.
** *knocks on my door* Maya! Its time to go to school!
** ……. Im feeling sick to day! Im not going!
** …. *sigh* Okey then… There is food left over from yesterday. Take care of your self now sweety, okey?...
** ………..
** ….. *leaves*
I layed down in my bed for a while… Then i got up and walked to my computer. I sat down and started drawing. I saw that i had got a mail.
I looked it up. It was from my internet friend. I didnt tell my parents that i had one because they would probebly think that it was a pervy pedophile who wanted naked pictures of me or something. But ive been Talking to him on skype one time before, but he was kind of shy and he didnt like to show his face so he didnt want to do it again… I knowed that he was six teen years old and that he come from Sweden like me.
I… Didnt know his name though...
** Hey!
** Hi…
** Your home? I didnt think you would answer me untill after school.
** … Im not feeling wery well…
** Oh… You sick?
** No… I just have a very hard time… With… My friends in school and shit like that…
** … Thats sad… Have they done something to you?
** … Well… They hurt me… punches me and kick me, and they tell me that im a worthless bitch that should go back to hell there i come from…
** Oh, Really! If i were there i would kick them in the balls! They are the stupid bitches. You shouldnt listen to them, Maya. Friends you say? They are not your friends… They are bullies.
** *laughs a little* … I know that i shouldnt listen… And… It would be so much beter if they just dissapear…
** Why dont you make them dissapear then?
** …. W-What?...
Whene i read that… my hole body froze. He had never seed anything like that before. And it made me scared.
** Make them dissapear.
** W-What do you mean with that?! Make them dissapear?! Like… K-Killing them?!
** Yeah… Exactly… Kill them.
… I just stared at the screan. Without moving. and i was starting to cry.
** I dont get what you mean! I dont want to kill them… I dont want to kill anyone! Im not a killer! Are you fucking serious with this!
** Yes. im 100% serious. So you will just leet them hurt you? Kick and punch you every day? If they dissapear… You dont have to suffer.
Then i got a weird feeling… I never had before…
** Kill them! Make them suffer, like they make you suffer! Make them dissapear for ever! Kill Them! Kill them! Kill them! kill them! kill them! kill them!
** *screams* Stop!!! *throws the computer into the wall* ……
I could still hear the words in my head over and over again
Kill them! Kill them! kill them! kill them kill them kill them kill them!!!
** Leave me alone!
It wouldnt stop! and it become louder. It made insane!
** ……. *grins* …. *my eyes becomes emotionless and blank* Make them dissapear… Kill them… kill them… *laughs
** Make them dissapear… Kill them… Kill them… *laughs*
*The next day*
I was sitting in my chair in class drawing.
** So what ugly crap are you drawing this time, Maya?! *takes the drawing away from me*
** *grabs his hand* …. Dont. Touch. It. *stares at him*
** ….
** *slaps me* Dont be such a bitch! He just wanted to see what you was drawing!
** …… *stares at Alex* …
** ……
*After school*
** Hey, did you guys see how Maya stared at me.
** Huh?... She did?
** Yeah it was kind of creepy.
** …. *stands still* wait...
** Alex?... Whats wrong?...
** …… *runs into a corner in the city.*
** Hey! Wait! *runs after her*
** Alex! *runs after her*
*** …. *looks around* I know you there Maya! Stop stalking us! come out you stupid bitch!
*** …… *walks out behind them* …. *smiles*
*** What the hell…
*** Dissapear… Dissapear…
*** …. What the hell is wrong with her!
*** Dissapear… Make them dissapear… Kill them… You dont have to suffer…
*** *Takes out a knife from my school bag* DIE!
*** *runs to them and stabs them. cuts there heads of and cutes there eyes out* *insane laugh* …… huh?
I tourned around and saw the police standing with a gun
*** Drop the knife and put your hands in the air and walk slowly to me!
I did as he seed. But i couldnt stop smiling.